About Keith Edwards

about KeithKeith Edwards has involved in teaching dog agility since before he was competing in the sport. He helped to train Ned, our first agility dog back in 1994 and by videoing many of our first agility trials, he became an expert in observing the handling of others. With this critical eye, Keith is able to help others improve their own handling skills. He is now a full time agility instructor at Canine Fun Sports. Keith has been a judge since 2003 and was a member of the Dogs NSW agility judges committee.
Keith became more involved in the organisation of the sport, as chairperson of the Dogs NSW Agility Committee – the organisation that runs ANKC agility in NSW. He is the NSW representative to the National body. He is a past president and chief instructor of the Hawkesbury Dog Agility Club and as a life member, is still involved in a lot of their activities. Keith also acted as trial secretary for many clubs over NSW.

When all this is not keeping Keith busy, he is either mowing lawns at our Castlereagh home or down the back shed working on our agility equipment. He did also trial Terri, but with his involvement in running trials, she did not get a chance to live up to her full potential.


Fenrik Fremantle Doctor ADM ADO JDM JDO SDX GDX SPDM aka Doc

Fenrik Momentary Lapse oReason JD aka Terri

Fenrik Liquorice Alsport ADM ADO JDM JDO SDX GDX SPDM aka Sporty

ADAA Agility Champion
Brenilly Wild Wind ADM ADO JDM JDO SDX GDX SPDM aka Winnie