Cookie, handled by Deanna Wakefield
Cookie gained her SD title and is now called Cookie AD JD SD. We are also relieved to say that Cookie has recovered well from some nasty injuries received when she decided it would be fun to take on a kangaroo. This did rather interrupt her training trialling this year.
Cookie has a special mention on a special brags page too.
Lyla, a standard poodle handled by Barbara Rogleff
Lyla gained her SDX title at the first trial of this year, followed soon after by her ADM to become known as Negreska Smoke Through Moonlight ADM ADO JDM JDO SDX GDX SPDX
Boomer, a standard poodle handled by Barbara Rogleff
Boomer gained his JDO title this year and will now be known as Negresca Blue Moon ADX JDX JDO SD GD
Mr Darcy, a German Shorthaired Pointer with Lyn Pearce
Mr Darcy gained his SDX at the first trial of the year later gaining his JDM. We now call him Seltsam Noble Darcy ADM JDX SDX GD SPD
Polly, a “little black hairy dog” with Mary O’Dwyer
Polly gained her GD and SPD titles this year so she is now known as Tracking Champion Polly AD JD GD SPD
Panda and Connie Kluck
Panda gained his ADO3 JDM3 and JDO3 this year and is now known as Panda ADM2 ADO3 JDM3 JDO2 SD GDX SPD
Panda and Connie are also in our Special Brags
Briar, an associate kelpie handled by Jill Kaldor
Briar gained her GD and SD titles to become known as Briar RA AD JD SD GD
Seajay a German Shorthaired Pointer handled by Katie Jones
Seajay has now gained her GD title and is now known as Fenrik A Saucerful of Secrets AD JD GD
Sienta, a Lagotto Romagnolo trained by Jill Humphries
Sienta has gained her ADM ADO and JDO this year, and is now known as Deelee Giovanna ADM JDM ADO JDM
Shellbe, a German Shorthaired Pointer, teamed up with Barbara Hodel
Shellbe gained her SD title to now have the name of Fenrik Quik Pace AD JDX SD GD SPD
a German Spitz
handled by
Helen Hillman
and sometimes,
Terry Hillman
Milo has followed up a very successful 2015 by gaining his JDM4 and JDO. He is now officially referred to as Nueboree Choc Nougat ADM2 ADO JDM4 JDO SDX GDX SPDX . He has also done well at ADAA trials.
a German Spitz
handled by
Terry Hillman
and sometimes
Helen Hillman
Sheba’s success is continuing. She gained her ADM4 ADO and JDM4. She is now officially called Nueboree High Spirited ADM4 ADO JDM4 SDX GDX SPDX. She ha also been very successful at ADAA trials.
Siena a German Shepherd teammate of Bruce Harvord
Siena has gained her SD and JDM title this year and will now be addressed as Khanique Sienna ADX JDM SD GD SPD
“Kirra” the Basenji handled by Erica Hansch
Kirra gained her SPD title this year and is know to be known as Nailah Chasin the Limelight JD SPD.
The Odd Couple – Peityn and Kirra
As far as agility goes, two breeds rarely seen in competition are the Shar Pei and the Basenji. We are just a little bit proud that this pair have paired up successfully in Novice Strategic Pairs; they have gained 3 qualification certificates and now both have their SPD titles.
Peityn, a Shar Pei handled by Rachael Fullerton
This team has gone from strength to strength this year gaining their JDX, SD GD and SPD titles. Peityn will now be addressed as Peityn AD JDX SD GD SPD
This unlikely team has also been placed in the finals of the Australian National Agility Trial in South Australia and at Sydney Royal during this year.
Kai, a Shar Pei handled by Rachael Fullerton
Kai has gained his JDX, SD and GD this year and he is now officially named Kai JDX SD GD
Flynn, a miniature Schnauzer handled by Nellie Felczynski
Flynn gained his ADM2, ADO2, JDM5 and SPDM titles this year so we now call him Scottromar Flynnders Fortune ADM2 ADO3 JDM5 JDO SDM GDM SPDM
Pepe with Nga Bustamante
Pepe has gained his JDM JDM2 ADM4 ADO4 JDO2 and SPDX titles this year. Nga was having difficulty making time for earn his JDM. With her improved handling and techniques to increase speed, he has gained the confidence for that little bit of extra speed to qulify inside time on masters jumping courses. This year he not only gained his JDM, but went on to get his JDM2, as well. We always knew they could do it. We now refer to him as Pepe ADM4 ADO4 JDM2 JDO2 SDX GDX SPDX
Penny, a Poodle x Border Collie, teamed with Amanda Bradley
Penny has gained her JDX this year and is now to be known as Penny AD JDX